September 15, 2009

What PQ, IQ, EQ and SQ are all about?

     I guess...most of you guys already knew about IQ and EQ...what about PQ and SQ? It's something new for me...

SQ + EQ + IQ + PQ = True Knowledge
A beautiful insight by Prof. Stephan R. Covey

  • IQ (Intelligent quotient/Mental intelligent)
          IQ leads us to think, make cause-effect analysis, doing math, describe something and create our level of understanding. 

  • EQ (Emotional Quotient/Emotional intelligent)
          EQ is knowledge about knowing our self, sensitivity to feel change in our environment and also to estimate time, empathy, communication skill, courageous to confess our mistakes, respect diversity, etc. Who gonna be successful leader should develop these more than others! (Self awareness, Personal motivation, Self regulation, Empathy, Social skill)

  • SQ (Spiritual Quotient/Spiritual Intelligence)
          SQ is the foundation from 3 quotients above. It's helping us to stack our principles, values, and connect our soul with our believes, our purposes in life. Integrity (Character building), Meaning ( Purpose of life ),Voice (Self Enlightenment and motivate to other)

  • PQ (Physical Quotient/Physical Intelligence )
          PQ is our body. It has authority for a living. Brain execute heart to beat, lungs to suck the air, self-healing, laughing, and sneeze (Wise nutrition, Consistence balance exercises Proper rest, relaxation, stress management and preventing)

Don't ever waste your life even a second! Start to balancing your QUOTIENTS!


September 07, 2009


• Bolt
• Curious George
• Family Guy
• Nine 9
• Ponyo (Japanese)
• Ratatouille
• The Simpsons
• Up
• Spirited Away (Japanese)

September 06, 2009