December 06, 2009

Let's reveal our personality profile~

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My personality profile!!!

This laid-back style of living is fairly typical for her. At the same time she is far from lazy; instead, she is basically ready to do any work and may even take on too many projects at once.

She is an extraordinarily creative woman who may realize her artistic potential in writing, art, painting, sculpture, photography, cinema, design or inventions.

This woman prefers to "connects the dots" in order to effectively complete a project. She may succeed in fields such as project management, interior design or car repair.

The cool, casual approach is natural for this woman.

A natural skeptic, she tends to initially doubt or at least question everything she hears. This woman has trouble accepting things at face value without serious proof or substantiation.

She always wants to look good and is highly conscious of her appearance. She may be susceptible to trying different diets.

She wants to love and to be loved. (Don't we all?)

She is ready to take charge and takes on greater and greater responsibility because it is natural for her. Promotions may be in order.

The woman hates it when other people tell her what to do. She dislikes any pressure, and the more she is pushed on the outside, the more stubborn she becomes inside.

She tends to dream about the future and think philosophically about life in general. This woman is good at logical operations and analysis.

This woman prefers to deal with what she knows: familiar circumstances, situations or work.

Before completing a task or project, she thinks and plans things out carefully.

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